A Message from the Personal Evangelism Ministry Teaching to Reach and Reaching to Teach
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A Message from the Personal Evangelism Ministry Teaching to Reach and Reaching to Teach

Question? Are you wondering how to share the gospel with a family member, co-worker, or a friend? Perhaps, you might feel that you do not possess the skills to teach and might be reluctant to share the Gospel.

Food For Thought

As Christians we all play a vital role in sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Converting a lost soul is like connecting the dots of a puzzle together to achieve something dynamic. The Angels in Heaven rejoice when a lost soul is saved. As the dots of a puzzle are connected to complete a visual or design, the Plan of Salvation too outlines God’s plan for man to be saved. Remember to Utilize Your Spiritual Resources. Be a Thriving Witness at Home:

  • Examine your lifestyle.
  • Send a group email once a week with uplifting scriptures.
  • Keep GACC business cards available to pass out to friends and neighbors
  • Provide a ride to worship service.
  • Give someone around you a hug just because.

The idea is when you are Thriving to Witness at Home, you are acquiring skills to build a strong foundation which will equip you and your family to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

While there are many examples to plant seeds, remember God gives or provides the increase. Let us all make a personal effort to grow and develop in the area of Personal Evangelism. The Greenville Avenue Church of Christ is blessed to have teams to assist in teaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The phone callers are ready, the teachers are ready, and the silent partners are ready.

Together We Have the Power

For more information on how to set up an Open Bible Study, please contact Brother Tyrone Jones @ 469-471-5704 or email tjones@gacoc.org.



1 Comment

  • Tyrone Jones
    on December 28, 2017 1:45 pm

    “What A Day, What A Day, What A Day”
    I am pleased with the information on this sight and want to encourage everyone to take advantage of the resources available as we all strive to seek and to save lost souls.

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